
Showing posts from 2011


So the year is starting to wind down. I started to think back to all I have accomplished this past year. I went from living in a small town in the middle of no where with pretty much one person I really trusted near by to living in a big city full of family. I started this year with the biggest scare for me at the time, I had a 9 month old and found out I was expecting a new baby within the year. I went from completely freaked out to bliss in 9 months holding a beautiful baby girl. Yes girls win in this house. I moved away from one of my inspirations for a family, a wonderful homeschooling mom of 8. I will always strive to have children as well behaved as hers. I hope to meet a family here with similar values. I have found the challenges to taking care of three kids 3 and under I have found that I have one pretty amazing 6 year old kid. Pumpkin has shown she is one amazing kid, she does kid things but in other ways I think she has become a wonderful person. This year has been fun to ...

Still Around

I am still here, I have a slew of posts I can write, sadly most of them Christmas themed. However almost all of them require pictures. I miss my daily let go of talking here. I am still in chaos from the move. I washed my camera on Christmas Eve after attending a party at my husband's Nana's house. It died, I'm sad but I have a new one on the way this week. There are things that are just not supposed to be washed and I guess that is one of them (it was an accident, I am normally more careful  but all I cared was I wanted the clothes for the next day.) My parents are currently in town to visit with the kids and see my new home. Which I love even more now living in in than having it built. It is finally to a clean standard I would love to share but yes I freaking broke my camera in fact Christmas morning are pictures on my iPhone 3G which is like the worst picture you can get. Once I get a chance this week I will up load pictures and share. The year is coming to an end and I ...

Christmas Crack?

Okay so in January of 2009 I joined a cloth diaper board called Cloth Diaper Nation . I had just found out I was expecting my third child the summer before and after loosing a computer hard drive to Diaper Swappers 's viruses they were having trouble with at the time, I jumped ship for another place to get diapers. See with my second baby I decided I wanted to cloth diaper and just knew I would need loads more diapers after having my third child, and would now have two babies in diapers. I ended up finding the ladies of the board very interesting. I loved that there was no edit button and you had to own what you said there. What I did find strange was their chatter about crack. Heck they even ran a co-op of this crack. I didn't get it at first. I began to understand this was a candy of sorts. So I just pushed it off. So then Christmas came and they were unable to get the co-op run and there were many sad ladies. I again thought nothing of this crack. So this year I am introdu...

Living in Chaos

Okay so yeah we bought the house. And I shared how much we love it. Well I have been MIA from the blog because I have been unpacking. Now keep in mind we had boxes at the last house that never got opened. We decided as a team that would not happen here. There will be a place for everything. The end result is even with trips to the dump at the last house and several to donations, we are still purging. There is just too much in this home, I mean 4 kids and a dog how could there not be right? I purged toys (oh how the kids would have been mad if they saw how much I let go of.) I purged clothes mine, husbands, and kids out grown. I purged broken items. I even soul searched and purged items I really internally fought to keep. I am not done, this is really a start for our new year. I still have boxes all over the house, things not in their proper place just yet, but we have found lots of space. Nothing is perfect yet, it will be in time.  I think spiritually I needed this purge of items...

Bubba's Room Part 1

I am going to roll out the reveal on Bubba's room. See he is really into Cars , it is his most favorite movie. I can't count how many times I have seen that movie or the new movie or even Mater Tales . His favorite character has to be Mater. So when we bought the new house we just knew the theme we wanted to go with. Now at this stage it is not complete but I can share what we have completed. I will start with the room as we had it built.   This is even before we got carpet put in. It gives you a good idea of the paint color in the entire house. He does have the smallest bed room and really this is about the size of our second bedroom in the last house. The first step in this process was building the bed at my brother in law's house. Just the head board. What will hold the mattress. The headboard and foot board painted. I really think the bed has come out nice. We do have to give credit where it is due though. We got the plans from Ana White , if you a...

Day of Firsts

Today was a big day for Pumpkin. Today she did something I didn't think she could do calmly. She managed to do something I didn't think she could. She made it through a dentist appointment without having a melt down. I am so proud. She was scared I could tell. We have the starting of a cavity but I am sure we can keep it away. We just need to follow the rules. I know my kiddo can do it. My only fear is they mentioned her mouth being too small. Let's hope we are jumping the gun on that one. In the chair for the first time. They get glasses for the light.                                                                                                                          ...

Living in a Dry State

Okay I like to drink, I don't drink often and when I do it tends to be a glass of wine. I have been seen with a beer in my hand as well. When we lived in North Carolina we had a winery we loved to shop at, Dennis Vineyards . The staff was great and loved our kids. They were always so kind any time we visited. Well when we moved we packed along some of our favorite wines knowing we can never get them shipped to us in Kentucky. See there are 5 states with laws that do not allow alcohol to be shipped to, I live in one of them. Okay so a solution would be to have them shipped to my parents and I could pick it up there when we visit, well they live in one of the other 4 states that do not allow this. So what brings on this sadness over not being able to get the wine I miss? I broke two bottles of my favorite wines moving them into the new house today. See I was unaware they were not in the back of the van very securely and I just opened the door. The box came crashing out and two bottl...

Are you at peace?

I have been having a good day. We went to church this morning. I have to tell you that church is not easy when you are spending most of mass correcting behavior. Now we found a church rather quickly that we both enjoy. We found a church that has a school attached so that if for some reason we no longer care for the public school system she can transfer there. We have toured it and thought the school was pretty nice and family knows people whose children attend there.  Today's sermon was on the season of advent. The priest talked of taking the time to really know what it is to wait and reflect on what the season means. To know the anticipation of the coming of our Savior. Now the Catholic Church as declared this year (Advent being the beginning of the church year) the year of spreading the faith. A few months ago he suggested finding a person to really introduce to the faith. At the time I didn't think anything of it, I did not even bother getting his sheet with assignments on ...

Lights Under Louisville

So today was a busy day. We put up the big mural in Bubba's room. We actually did a pretty good job considering the husband and I had never done anything like it before. Needless to say we are quite proud of how it turned out. I know I am always teasing and not showing pictures, but I only have one more week before we get our stuff out of storage and I can share our entire house room by room. His will be one of the first rooms done I promise. Momma and Mouse waiting Abigail waiting to ride. Daddy and Lizard waiting. Bubba waiting on the lights. We then went home gathered up the children and went with Louisville Mommies on a special private view of the Lights Under Louisville . This was really nice as the cost was no where near what it would have cost for us to do on our own. We didn't even have to drive our car, they took us on the tram. Abigail enjoyed it as did Andrew. The other two I don't think really quite got it. A...


Okay so when I was dreaming up my blog in the shower (funny how I do my best thinking there) I had a great name. It fit what direction I wanted to take my  blog in. My blog was Fitting It All In . Why? Because I was going to tell you how I was getting in shape, while raising 4 kids. It would include all the crafts I do, meals I cook, and things I do with the kids. See how this name fits so much better? I mean I REALLY liked this title. So two days later I tell myself don't put it off just freaking start the blog. See I am a very talented procrastinator. When I say this I mean really talented, I can do just about anything in less than 24hours. So I sat down at the computer after a full day with my children and set up my blog. So I go to give it a name, Fitting It All In , TAKEN says blogger. Really someone had my perfect blog name? Well it has bothered me in these last two weeks (almost 3 can you believe I have been sharing that long?) So today I decide, "let me check out thi...

What a Brave Boy

So today was a big day in Bubba's life. I decided he needed to take his first visit to the dentist. I did not know what to expect for this appointment. I figured they would count his teeth and clean them. Other than that I don't remember my first trip to the dentist. So my little man went because mommy told him he needed to. Mommy did a lot of prepping. We practiced opening our mouth real big for them to see his teeth. We get to the office and it is called Dentistree so the whole theme is monkeys. Since Bubba is part monkey he loved it. There was a play area in a tree in the waiting room. I think mommy was more nervous than Bubba. He was so good. Lizard even had fun in the waiting room. She wants to do anything Bubba does you know. So he gets called back and I load everyone up and we go back. It is a big room with quite a few chairs for teeth to be done in and some seats for the parents to watch in. It was a very nice set up. Lizard jumps into the chair for her cleaning, so I ...

I missed a day

So yesterday I didn't post. It was hard on me. Honestly I feel bad posting right now. However I can see all my children that are home so I know it will be okay for a short post. Yesterday was a busy day. See we finally purchased our home. The home we hope to fill with love for a few years to come. My children know we have the house. They are just as excited as mom and dad. However at the same time I spent my time not at the house or with my kids, working on Pumpkin's rag doll costume. I didn't have my sewing machine so my grandmother was kind enough to sew one up for me and ship it. All I had to do was adjust the elastic. And well make her a wig. The costume was due today!! Well here I am still working on the wig. I am hoping to get it done tonight after the small ones are in bed and send it in tomorrow. The more rows I put on the quicker it is going. It is time consuming no matter what. So I may not get in what I was going to talk about tonight. Let's just hope come Tu...

My errand filled day

So today was nothing but errands. I ran and got supplies for an upcoming crafting event (probably won't be shared until after Christmas since they will end up being gifts.) I got some special glue to fix a lighting element for the house. That will be shared as the house is revealed. I did some recon at our favorite place for furniture. Yeah sad I know but a good percentage of our furniture came from here. I was in search of some items to match current furniture, which surprise, surprise is on back order. We plan on going back to buy that (chairs for our dining room table.) We did end up getting a mattress from here for our little man. (My husband has made the bed already and I am holding off on sharing because I am so super proud of his job I want the reveal that with the whole room.) When I got home I had the "twins" go inside first. Of course one comes running back to me, this time being Bubba.    He is "scared momma." I ask him "Why?...

All Flustered

So tonight I am shopping online. What am I shopping for? Well Christmas cards. Remember those fabulous pictures I shared, well I have at least one I have not shared that I want to use for my Christmas card. I am working on finding the best price. My other thing I am shopping for? Well that would be 12x12 prints without paying an arm and a leg for a poster the size I really didn't want that I would have to cut down. Needless to say I have found websites I didn't know existed. I have ONE I trust to buy the prints from however, they are and arm and a leg for my Christmas cards. So I am looking at half the price for the cards simply getting them at Walmart of all places. See I really don't want to buy more than I know I will use either. So I am certain this art project of mine will have to be put on hold for now. The husband gets paid soon and I will get my spending money which I can use to buy my prints for my wall art. For now I think I will just get my cards from Walmart. I...

Shopping Fun

Okay so today we were on a mission, you see Tuesday we sign for our new home. The home my husband and I have had built, one we plan to live in for years. The problem, we NEEDED window coverings. After much discussion with each other we decided on curtains in this home, in the end we decided on thermal curtains for many reasons. We wanted it to be noise reducing, black out, thermal curtains. For us we did not care where they came from but we had requirements, They HAD to be at least 84" long, and certain windows they HAD to be 52" wide. We went to 4 stores, we got almost all the windows, we did get all the curtain rods. I won't show pictures of all the curtains we got, you can wait for them to be reviled in each room as I show case them once they are done. We did make a stop between stores for lunch. It was one of our favorite places for lunch, Q-doba. We all have our favorites. The kids really enjoy eating here. However at the end of the meal I was left with the same q...

Black Friday

So this has been a tradition for me for years. I am getting sad now since it is harder to coordinate with having four kids who gets to go. Well this year it was me because hubby had to work today. I regret not bringing my camera to show the crowds and well my phone has decided it does not want me taking or sharing pictures any more. It was crazy, I attempted Walmart decided that was no worth it this year, and went to Target. Things were so much better there and I was not up forever. I am glad I got there when I did because when I left the line was past a store about two football fields away. Yeah so glad Walmart did not work out or I might still be shopping, I was in and out of Target in 10 minutes because I didn't want the high price items. I do remember the first time I went to a Black Friday sale with my mom. I think I was in high school, but it very well could have been middle school. See my mom had a paper route, it was how they were able to send me to private school. We woul...

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is a day to be Thankful for many things. This year I have an overflow to be thankful for. We welcomed our 4th and final child into our family, we moved closer to my husband's family, and we built a house that will last us for more than 2 years, a house we love. This year the holiday was spent at my in laws. There was tons of food, not much space, but it was all filled with love. I shall share some of our day. We played musical chairs a lot. The baby spent most of the day in the swing, which mommy fixed this morning by adding working batteries. Yes it has not worked in weeks because the batteries died and we were too lazy to fix it, poor kiddo. The football games were enjoyed by the guys and most of the women as well.  Snowflake preferred to stay out of the way. He has his space in the basement here where he really spent his time.  This here is my niece, Boogs. She is 4 months older than Mouse. Here she is being held by hubby's cousin. She is just o...