Baking Friday

So I decided two weeks ago I would start making treats on Friday's with the duo. Last week I made Christmas Crack and well I didn't let them help cause it would have been unsafe. I did however let them be the first to try it, and that was consumed by Monday in this house. Today the baking of choice was Banana Bread. I mean how yummy? So after dropping big sister off at school we came home. We got out everything we needed to make the bread. I allowed them to carry things to the counter and boy were they proud kiddo's helping momma.
Then it came time to measure things out. I only have one step ladder for the kitchen and really this is because I can't reach the cabinet shelves. Well this was not big enough for the duo to share. The duo being Bubba and Lizard. This of course led to hitting and biting, now I love my kiddos but this drives me insane. There was lots of distraction while this went on, to include washing the hands a couple of times, to putting clean items in the sink. Eventually Bubba got bored and moved on. Lizard however did not so when I finally remembered the camera she was there helping me make nut-struessel.

I used the good ole checkered Betty Crocker cookbook. I don't often use it but hey we were baking and it sounded good. See I am a sight cooker and a lot of my stuff comes from baking with my mom, however I am learning that I need to branch out with the kids and have some fun. So this was worth a shot.
Now I am proud none of the ingredients ended up on the floor or in a mouth. They poured I measured. Eventually I can teach measuring. I did some counting with this, for them it was just fun.
Just before the nut topping and the oven.  
The helped mommy stir, oddly enough this was the easiest part of taking turns we had the stirring. The argued the most over getting to pour or dump the ingredient into the mix. Once the spoon came out they were really good about waiting for a turn with mommy. They both watched with awe as I poured the mix into the pans. I really think the end result looks super yummy, I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow.


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