Day of Firsts

Today was a big day for Pumpkin. Today she did something I didn't think she could do calmly. She managed to do something I didn't think she could. She made it through a dentist appointment without having a melt down. I am so proud. She was scared I could tell. We have the starting of a cavity but I am sure we can keep it away. We just need to follow the rules. I know my kiddo can do it. My only fear is they mentioned her mouth being too small. Let's hope we are jumping the gun on that one.

In the chair for the first time.

They get glasses for the light.

Getting her teeth cleaned.
Her other big even today? Why her first school play!! She was a rag doll. Normally I would have made her costume, however my unique living circumstances didn't allow for it. My wonderful grandma made it for me and mailed it to me. I did get to make her wig and adjust the costume to fit her. It came out super cute. I really think she was adorable. She had one line and did it perfectly. Watching a bunch of 1st graders dance and sing was fun tonight. I got video of the whole thing, pictures there did not turn out. So I am going to share my iPhone picture from before.
My little rag doll.


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