
So the year is starting to wind down. I started to think back to all I have accomplished this past year. I went from living in a small town in the middle of no where with pretty much one person I really trusted near by to living in a big city full of family.
I started this year with the biggest scare for me at the time, I had a 9 month old and found out I was expecting a new baby within the year. I went from completely freaked out to bliss in 9 months holding a beautiful baby girl. Yes girls win in this house. I moved away from one of my inspirations for a family, a wonderful homeschooling mom of 8. I will always strive to have children as well behaved as hers. I hope to meet a family here with similar values.
I have found the challenges to taking care of three kids 3 and under I have found that I have one pretty amazing 6 year old kid. Pumpkin has shown she is one amazing kid, she does kid things but in other ways I think she has become a wonderful person. This year has been fun to watch her grow, she is so smart. I know a year ago she was not as good of a reader but to sit and listen to her now is amazing.
A year ago I did not think Bubba was going to talk. Two months later he blew up with words, talking in full sentences. He still struggles with some words but I no longer worry about his speech. He has become more and more boyish as time goes on. I love watching him with his Cars obsession. I love the way he cares for his little sisters. He is such a proud big brother.
I love watching Lizard this past year considering she started the year with weight issues, I have never seen a kid so bold when trying new food. She gained all the weight they were worried about so quickly I loved it. She competes with her big brother for everything. Watching Lizard care for her babies like mommy melts my heart. She is my only kid to give me a standing ovation every time I feed her. Her grin is beautiful, she is wonderful when it comes to competing with her big brother. I am glad I have a few years before they HAVE to separate, because Bubba's first year at school is going to be hard on me.
Our newest addition Mouse is growing so much. I am tearful of the idea of having her become a toddler like the others have. I think though in her growing this year she has become Muppet. Probably does not help that the movie recently came out and I went to go see it.She is now almost 14 pounds and growing.
This past year I also became an Aunt for the first time. I was blessed with a beautiful niece. I am super happy to now live near her and get to see her grow. She is only 4 months older than Muppet and I won't be surprised if the two of them end up close.
I hate that this year I did not get a chance to run my 5K. I think I have learned ways to improve on my life at home. I have learned that I love cooking for my family. I am fairly sure this will continue. I am glad that this year our family size has reached maximum capacity.  We have moved into a home I don't foresee us moving from for a long period of time. I know I failed on most of my goals this past year. My one home run was wearing more make up. That one simple act has changed how I view myself. It gave me a renewed confidence that I was not sure was still there. I hope this year closes on you with some of your goals having been met, and very few regrets. I know my unknown goals that ended up being obtained have made my year that much better.


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