Black Friday

So this has been a tradition for me for years. I am getting sad now since it is harder to coordinate with having four kids who gets to go. Well this year it was me because hubby had to work today. I regret not bringing my camera to show the crowds and well my phone has decided it does not want me taking or sharing pictures any more. It was crazy, I attempted Walmart decided that was no worth it this year, and went to Target. Things were so much better there and I was not up forever. I am glad I got there when I did because when I left the line was past a store about two football fields away. Yeah so glad Walmart did not work out or I might still be shopping, I was in and out of Target in 10 minutes because I didn't want the high price items.
I do remember the first time I went to a Black Friday sale with my mom. I think I was in high school, but it very well could have been middle school. See my mom had a paper route, it was how they were able to send me to private school. We would get the ads in advance and plan our stores out. It was fun for us, this was back in the day before the world was on the internet and you were lucky to get the ads sooner than Thanksgiving. We had a few stores we loved to go through. For some reason Target has always been on my list. I remember we would finish the paper route then since well we were up, we would just go stand outside the store of our choice, generally we only needed to be there 30-60 minutes early. We would only go to the stores handing out freebies, yeah remember that when just for going in the store you would get something free? JC Penny's used to be that way too. It was one of my favorite things to do with my mom, sometimes we would get something good, sometimes nothing at all, it was just fun to go. Now there were years where the route ended after the stores opened and we just wanted to sleep (this generally meant it snowed that night).
I dislike the times getting earlier and earlier, and I hate going alone. My mom now lives in another state. I have extended family here, but I also have 4 children. I know I shall never do Toys R Us the crowd is not worth it. I am sorry to have not brought my camera to share the mayhem I saw on this Black Friday (which sadly has started to enter Thanksgiving). It was fun and I got what I wanted. Next year maybe I will have company.


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