Tooth Fairy to the Rescue

So I am going to share some stories today about Pumpkin. See she is like me in tons of ways. I tend to be overly dramatic, I have been that way since I was little. Pumpkin is just like this. I love her but sometimes it gets to be a little much. I am sure my parents felt the same way about me.
So she turned 6 in August, shortly after that she lost her first tooth. There was all sorts of drama that came with that. In the end my husband was the brave soul to pull the tooth (at this point it was barely hanging on). This came with tears, even more so after she realized it bleeds after the tooth is out. It was amusing to say the least. The following week we relived the whole ordeal when she lost the second tooth.
Well for the last week she has had a loose tooth. We thought for sure she was waiting to loose the tooth at school so she could get a special necklace. It did not happen. Today I asked to see the tooth (wasn't really sure it would even still be there). Well this thing was laying flat facing me without her touching it. You could see the new tooth coming in. I tried to trick her into having it fall out while eating but that did not work, she sort of fought it.
My ever amazing husband had her come over so he could "look" at it. His plan was to sneak and yank, the second his fingers went on both sides of the tooth she panicked, screaming, and he had not even pulled the tooth yet. She is crying it hurts, we both don't see it because really there was nothing keeping it in her mouth (she has been eating around it). We managed to get it out, but not without drama. So the tooth fairy will be coming to visit tonight. All said and done she is minus one tooth tonight and will even admit she acted crazy over nothing.


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