So today I was going to tell you a little about Pumpkin, I changed my mind. I let you get to know her later. Here is why I changed my mind. . .

So we are having a house built. Today was the second to last walk through on our new house. Once we are moved in and the house is all set up I will share that with everyone. But for now I discovered a little bit more about me on accident. I was asked to run an errand today. See today is my Mother-In-Law's birthday. She asked for a pumpkin roll from Kroger. No biggie I knew I could grab one for her, normally I would have just gone to the one down by her house but I wanted to check out my new Kroger. I walked in and was immediately sent back to Texas. I swear I walked into the HEB in Harker Heights, TX. The set up was almost exactly the same (wine can't be sold here the same way it is there). It just felt like I was transported. I missed my play group immediately.

See when I was pregnant with my first kiddo, so was a friend out of state. We talked a little and after we both had our babies I learned she cloth diapered and had a natural birth. I thought she was nuts, I didn't "get it." Fast forward to living in TX, after living there for 6 months I met an awesome group of moms. One of which cloth diapered. She showed me the diapers she used, my mind changed from then on. I didn't feel odd for having breast fed, I know felt left out that Pumpkin had stopped breast feeding. These ladies were awesome and helped me through a LONG deployment and some today are still people I consider to be my friends.
I finally got something I should have never not gotten.
Because of these ladies I have cloth diapered all my other babies. I breast fed one of them until the age of 2 and felt comfortable to stand up for myself and my rights to do so. I learned what a good baby carrier was, and use them all the time. I learned to trust myself more. It is funny what thoughts come to you just walking into a store. On another note I bought nothing at that store because they were sold out of pumpkin rolls and had to go to the store by her house. I struggle to find a group of ladies like the ones from TX, I miss sitting on the porch drinking sweet tea watching the kids play.


  1. I wish I had a group like that when my kids were little, I had the opportunity but was too shy and not ready to come out of my shell. No matter how hard Mrs. L tried with me! I am forever grateful she didn't give up in me when she moved and introduced me to you all online. I too have learned so much and can truthfully can you all friends.


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