
This is Bubba. He was my early Christmas present in 2008. He was due Christmas day but he came a few days early. He is also our daddy is home from Iraq present. He will be three this year and is an amazing big brother now. He was my first venture into the cloth diapering world, he was also my first non medicated birth. You have to know with my first baby all that scared me. So he ended up being my second learning experience.
See he has eczema, and the diapers I loved at first have a suede cloth inner next to the skin which only made this problem worse. This took almost a year before I realized why he kept getting these horrible diaper rashes, yes I wanted cloth diapers to work that bad. I had many people tell me I would give them up, or I would hate them. My favorite was when they told me it didn't work for them so it would not work for me. Here I am almost three years later and the smell of a disposable can turn my stomach, yes I love my cloth diapers.
My labor with Bubba was the shortest of all my children. I swear I went into labor at 8pm and he was born at 3am. I refused an epidural and managed to give birth just fine, it was funny I could tell not many moms did that due to the nurses telling the entire staff on that floor I did it without medication, what does that tell you about today's society. I can tell you the labor hurt, but the reward of holding and nursing my son was worth every second. I prayed so hard with Pumpkin that she would be a red head, I joked a week before Bubba came around that he would end up being a red head. Low and behold my little man had a head full of bright red hair and I swear it gets more red daily. He even has the temperament to go with it.
He was a pure momma's boy for almost 2 years. It was like magic he discovered daddy and I have not existed since. Now he is also my baby who nursed the longest. It was always my goal to make it 18 months, he made it 24 plus some. Honestly I think he would have gone longer but my second pregnancy since him came along and I knew I could not support three kids at once. In his short life he has had surgery twice. His first was a hydrocele hernia, but due to me being hyper viligant we caught it early and you can't even see the scar now a year later. His second was his tonsils and adenoids. That was this summer after his 4th case of strep throat this year.
He is only 15 months older than Lizard. They are so close. I dread the day he starts school and she is left behind with me. He adores his big sister Pumpkin. He tries everyday to bring a backpack with us so he can go to school when we drop her off. It is one of the cutest things to see. One day he brought lunch. When she got dropped off he opened his lunch to eat it in the car. I have been dying to share that story with someone other than my mom for awhile.
His favorite movie is Cars. His favorite character is Mater. If it were up to him that is all we would watch/play. Though he does play dolls real well, it comes in handy when you have three sisters. I love this boy more than anything. I am positive through stories I share here you will come to love him too.


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